Med spletnim dogodkom o nasilju po spolu in Covidu-19, ki sta ga organizirala Zavod Krog in Zavod Emma ob podpori Veleposlaništva ZDA v Sloveniji in Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Slovenije, je bilo večkrat poudarjeno, da so bile države na različnih področjih slabo pripravljene na pandemijo nasilja po spolu, ki se je širila vzporedno s pandemijo Covid-19 ne glede na celino, družbeno-ekonomski status določene države, vero, raso itd. Poleg tega na začetku pandemije zaščita žrtev ni bila prednostna naloga vlad, ampak ravno nasprotno – dekleta in ženske so bile povsod po svetu, ne glede na državo in družbeno-ekonomski status, izolirane in zaprte s povzročiteljem nasilja v svojih domovih in tako izpostavljene veliko večjemu tveganju kot kadarkoli prej. Več o tem v poročilu.
During the online event on GBV and Covid-19, which was organised by Institute Circle and Institute Emma with the financial support by the USA Embassy in Slovenia and Ministry from Foreign Affairs of Slovenia it was pointed out several times that countries were ill prepared for this shadow pandemic from different points of view and that GBV continued to ravage regardless of the continent, socio-economic status of a particular country, religion, race, etc. In addition, at the outset of the crisis the protection of victims was not the priority of the policy makers – quite on the contrary – girls and women were locked down with their abusers in their homes and were at much greater risk than ever before, regardless of the place, where they lived and regardless of their socio-economic status.